Your Perfect Smile? Aligned.

Align My Smile
teeth aligner set in tray with logo secretsmile

Universal Fit for Teeth Great and Small

The Two Phase Process

Secret Smile™ - Teeth Aligner | Set 1.0 - Secret Smile Co

From Crooked to Straight

Improve Face Structure Aesthetics

Secret Smile™ - Teeth Aligner | Set 1.0 - Secret Smile Co

Our Case Studies Speak for Themselves!

Align My Smile

Researched & Designed by Orthodontic Specialists

Forget Braces! Wear your Aligner when YOU want to.

Join thousands who have begun their alignment journey with us before spending $3,000+ on orthodontic braces!

Smile with Confidence!

Let's get you started on your alignment journey!

Align My Smile

What our customers say about us

My friend got these aligners and her teeth are looking so much better! I
asked her where she got them so I could get a pair too. Have been
wearing my aligner for a few weeks now and I can see them working!

Lily Sacsawin

This is seriously amazing and is going to save me getting braces!
I've had mine for 3 months and already all my teeth are straight! I wear them just before bed.

Bonnie Klein

I've been looking for another way to straighten my teeth other than
getting braces and I'm so glad I found these aligners. Been wearing them everyday and I can definitely see the difference they're making!

Nathan Henman